עלה נעלה


קיים במלאי

לרכישה טלפונית ובירורים חייגו: 039-111-444 שלוחה 2 [לחנות הספרים].

הרכישה באתר מאובטחת בתקן SSL / PCI ובהתאם לתקנות חברת האשראי המחמירות, ומותנית בהסכמה לתנאי השימוש באתר. לנוחותכם, תעריף משלוח סופי יופיע בעמוד סל הקניות.

למה הכי משתלם לקנות בטקסט רץ?


  Rabbi Avi Berman
:Executive Director, OU Israel
Rabbi Roness’ weekly column… has inspired and uplifted thousands of
people on their Aliyah Journeys… I was very pleased to hear that these
.columns were being turned into this book.

Rabbi Yehoshua Fass
Co-Founder & Executive Director Nefesh B’Nefesh:
Rav Roness… has established himself as a lighthouse of positivity for
Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael… This sefer is a beautiful collection and
tribute to a Jewish thinker’s connection to Artzenu HaKdosha.

Rabbi Sholom Gold
Founding Rabbi Kehilat Zichron Yosef, Har Nof;
Dean Avraham Silver Jerusalem College for Adults:
Rabbi Roness’ unique additions to the intellectual landscape… infuse
aliyah with meaning, purpose and grandeur.

Rabbi Boaz Mori
Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshivat Hesder Lev HaTorah:
Rabbi Roness… your sefer will bring enlightenment to… those who
have already made Aliyah … (and) for those still in the Diaspora, may it
ignite a flame of inspiration to fulfill the Divine calling!

raised in Montreal, Canada. After serving as a
congregational Rabbi and as a Hillel Director in New
York City, he made Aliyah in 1983 with his wife Dina
and their five young children.
Ever since, Rabbi Roness has dedicated his life to
promoting Aliyah. First, as Rabbi of the Jewish
Agency’s Absorption Centers, and subsequently as
the executive director of the Aloh Naaleh organization.
Between the years 2012-2020 Rabbi Roness' weekly "Chizuk V'Idud"
column provided readers of the OU's "Torah Tidbits" publication, with
motivational words of ‘Chizuk’ for Olim, and ‘Idud’ (encouragement) for
future Olim. This present collection, culled from those original articles,
will provide additional readers with the opportunity to be inspired by
Rabbi Roness' thoughts and reflections.

חוות דעת

אין עדיין חוות דעת.

היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “עלה נעלה”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

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    עגלת הקניות שלך
    כל רוחות שבעולם
    1 X 60.00 = 60.00
    המלחמה האחרונה
    1 X 49.00 = 49.00
    ספר אקשיבה חלק שני
    ספר אקשיבה - חלק שני
    1 X 68.00 = 68.00

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